Consultancy for T&EF Analysis at Pilot Area scale related to Human Activities

Call for Consultancy
(No: Amw-Eni-01/2021)
Consulting Services
External Expert
AMWAJ of the Environment
Co-Evolve4BG Project
Co-evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural systems for sustainable tourism &
Blue Growth in the Mediterranean

    Co-Evolve4BG Project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Program under
    the Thematic objective B.4. Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and
    mitigation and the Priority B.4.4: integrated coastal zone management, aims at analyzing and
    promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural eco-systems in touristic coastal
    areas, towards sustainable development of tourist activities based on the principles of
    Integrated Coast Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), promoting
    at the same time Blue Growth in the Mediterranean.
    Co-Evolve4BG project is implemented in 5 Mediterranean countries through a partnership of
    8 partners from Tunisia, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Lebanon.
    AMWAJ of the Environment is a non-profit organization established on July 1996, is looking
    for an External Auditor for Co-Evolve4BG project in Lebanon following the National
    Procedures of ENI CBC Med.
    The objective of this call for AMWAJ is to select an External Expert for Co-Evolve4BG project
    in Lebanon, to develop an analysis of the evolution of human activities in relation to the Threats
    and Enabling Factors (T&EF) to the development of maritime and coastal tourism on Tyr pilot
    area scale.
    Experts, Offices, firms/teams or specialized companies may take part in this call.
    The mission of the expert conducting the analysis/study is described according to the following
    Phase I: Assessment of the state of maritime and coastal tourism in relation to human
    activities in Tyr.
    During this phase, the following actions will be taken:
    • Develop an overview of the evolution of maritime and coastal tourism in relation to
    Threats and Enabling Factors (T&EF) related to Human Activities in Tyr;
    • Establish an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of maritime and coastal
    tourism in relation to Threats and Enabling Factors (T&EF) linked to Human Activities
    in Tyr.
    Phase II: Assessment of the sustainability of maritime and coastal tourism in relation to
    human activities in Tyr.
    During this phase, the following actions will be taken:
  4. Participate in the process of identifying indicators/parameters (Toolkit) provided by
    AMWAJ related to Threats and Enabling Factors (T&EF) related to Human Activities
    in Tyr, in interaction with the stakeholders in Tyr and the team of the project based on
    the characteristics and existing problems in Tyr.
  5. Collect the data of the parameters already identified in the previous step (Phase IIaction
    Deliverables Phase I
    At the end of its intervention, the Expert must submit to AMWAJ NGO the documents listed
    below in English. These documents will be delivered in two copies in paper format (hard copy)
    and one copy in electronic format (soft copy), compatible with MS Office.
  • Deliverable 1 (ID-PA7-2): Littoralization and urbanization of tourism areas in Tyr
    This deliverable will address the trend of urbanization and coastal development in Tyr.
    It will then provide an analysis of the impacts generated by urbanization and coastal
    development and their effects on tourism areas. Thus, it will present an overview of the
    legal frameworks in relation to urbanization and littoralization in Tyr.
  • Deliverable 2 (ID-PA7-3): Tourist flows and the reception capacity of tourism
    structures in tourism areas in Tyr
    This deliverable will deal with tourist flows in Tyr to give an overview of the various
    states of tourism development observed. Then, it will focus on the concept of
    accommodating capacity by analyzing its dimensions. It will also reveal the potential
    for integrating the “Carrying Capacity” concept into the local management of the
    tourism sector, at the level of the coastal regions.
  • Deliverable 3 (ID-PA7-5): Conflicts / Synergies between the different land and sea
    uses and land-sea interaction in tourism areas in Tyr
    This deliverable will identify the main economic activities located in coastal areas (land
    and sea) and their impacts in Tyr. Then, it will study their cumulative effect, providing
    a comparative assessment that addresses the conditions of land-sea interaction. It will
    also focus on the interaction of tourism with other economic activities in Tyr.
  • Deliverable 4 (ID-PA7-7): The well-being of tourists and health emergencies in
    This deliverable will assess the effects of health emergencies such as the Coronavirus
    (Covid-19) pandemic on the tourism industry in Tyr by analyzing its economic and
    social impacts, as well as the prospects for getting out of it.
  • Deliverable 5 (ID-PA7-9): Cultural and natural heritage sites in tourism areas in
    This deliverable concerns sites declared as cultural and natural heritage sites in Tyr. It
    will provide an overview of existing UNESCO World Heritage sites in Tyr. Then, it
    will provide an analysis of their effects, in terms of image, on the development of
    Maritime and Coastal tourism in Tyr. It will also discuss the threats and risks that affect
    them. It will propose recommendations to improve the management and protection of
    heritage sites in Tyr.
  • Deliverable 6 (ID-PA7-13): Transport and accessibility in tourism areas in Tyr
    This deliverable will deal with the relationship between Transport / Accessibility and
    tourism in Tyr. It will address aspects related to transport and accessibility in tourism
    areas in Tyr. It will focus on the means of transport used to reach the destination and
    move around the touristic territory in question.
  • Deliverable 7 (ID-PA7-14): Tourist well-being: prevention and control of
    infections in Tyr
    This deliverable will provide an overview of the measures to be taken to mitigate the
    impact of COVID-19 / Epidemic on Maritime and Coastal tourism in Tyr.
  • Deliverable 8 (ID-PA7-15): Legislation and governance of tourism areas in Tyr
    This deliverable will discuss the legal aspects related to the good governance of the
    tourism area in Tyr. It will highlight a list of recommendations to improve the
    governance of sustainable Maritime and Coastal tourism in Tyr.
  • Deliverable 9 (ID-PA7-16): Maritime / coastal tourism and the local community in
    This deliverable will provide an overview regarding the interaction between the local
    community and regional tourism in Tyr. It will highlight the role of tourism in the
    development of Tyr (cultural, economic, social development, …). It highlights the
    modalities through which the local community itself would participate in the
    development of tourism in Tyr.
    Deliverables Phase II
    At the end of its intervention, the Expert must submit to AMWAJ the documents listed below
    in English. These documents will be delivered in two copies in paper format (hard copy) and
    one copy in electronic format (soft copy), compatible with MS Office.
  • Deliverable ID-PA7-T: Analysis of the sustainability of maritime and coastal
    tourism in relation to Human Activities in Tyr
    This deliverable is devoted to the description of the methodology to adapt the system
    of indicators (Toolkit) related to Threats and Enabling Factors (T&EF) to the
    development of maritime and coastal tourism related to Human Activities in Tyr. It
    must also contain data related to the selected indicators. Then, it will provide an analysis
    of the sustainability of maritime and coastal tourism in relation to Threats and Enabling
    Factors (T&EF) to the development of maritime and coastal tourism related to Human
    Activities in Tyr.
    The language of the contract and of all written communications, including reports, between the
    Expert and the Beneficiary shall be in English.
    The mission must be carried out according to a schedule to be provided by the bidder. This
    schedule will define the deadlines and the different steps to be followed. The modalities must
    be described according to the bidder’s own methodology.
    This schedule will then be negotiated with AMWAJ before the signature of the contract, once
    the bidder’s offer is selected.
    The Expert must fulfil the following requirements:
  • University degree or equivalence in Environmental Sciences or Environmental
    Engineering, or Ecology or Sustainable Development or Urban
    Planning/Development. A PHD is preferable.
  • Having more than ten years of experiences especially in the field of Marine
    environment and sustainable tourism.
  • Experience working with NGOs and international organizations
  • Excellent and demonstrable English and Arabic language skills, both spoken and
    Interested consultants/experts must provide information indicating that they are qualified to
    perform the services (CV, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions,
    general qualifications, number of key staff for teams and companies/offices…etc)
    Technical and financial Proposals must be delivered to Mr. Malek Ghandour on the email
    address: no later than 12th September 2021.
    Any quotation received after the mentioned date and time will be rejected.
    P.S: The documents shall be signed and stamped by a person duly authorized to sign the
    A. Details
    The tender must be submitted in Euro and valid for 60 days starting the submission deadline
    In exceptional circumstances, AMWAJ may request the extension of the validity of the tender
    beyond what has been initially indicated in this Call. The Proposer shall then confirm the
    extension in writing, without any modification whatsoever on the tender.
    During the validity of the quotation, no price variation due to changes in exchange rates or any
    other market factors shall be accepted by AMWAJ after receiving the tender.
    B. Selection
    A consultant will be selected in accordance with least cost (LC) selection method for
    consultancy service contracts and in compliance the requirements and specifications described
    in this call.

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