Category: Activities

BEach CLEAN Campaign 2021 in Tyr

Amwaj of the Environment continues “BEach CLEAN campaign” for the sea resorts through the work of its representatives and volunteers in conducting surveys on the environmental parameters of the resort with the owners and customers to measure the reality of marine litter and the cleanliness of the beaches of the sea resorts at the start […]

حملة نظافة مع المنتجعات البحرية

تواصل جمعية امواج البيئة حملة نظافة المنتجعات البحرية beach clean من خلال عمل مندوبي الجمعية في اجراء مقابلات مع ادارات و زبائن المؤسسات المشاركة لاستكمال استطلاع الراي لقياس واقع النفايات البحرية و نظافة شواطئ المنتجعات البحرية و مدى الالتزام و التقدم قبل و بعد الحملة وفي نهاية الحملة اخر ايلول سيتم تحليل الاستمارات وجدولتها واعلان […]

Consultancy for T&EF Analysis at Pilot Area scale related to Human Activities

Call for Consultancy(No: Amw-Eni-01/2021)Consulting ServicesExternal ExpertforAMWAJ of the EnvironmentCROSS-BORDER COOPERATION (CBC) IMPLEMENTED BY THE EU IN THEFRAMEWORK OF THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD INSTRUMENT (ENI)Co-Evolve4BG ProjectCo-evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural systems for sustainable tourism &Blue Growth in the Mediterranean BACKGROUNDCo-Evolve4BG Project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Program underthe Thematic […]


Activity 2.5.3: In each pilot area, some touristic facilities and main beach resorts will host a “zero waste campaign*”. A “zero waste Decalogue*” will be affixed in the main touristic places and an information campaign will be implemented during the touristic season, together with a survey about habits of use and about litter awareness. Periodically, […]

Consultancy for T&EF Analysis at Pilot Area scale related to Natural Ecosystems

Call for Consultancy(No: Amw-Eni-02/2021)Consulting ServicesExternal ExpertforAMWAJ of the EnvironmentCROSS-BORDER COOPERATION (CBC) IMPLEMENTED BY THE EU IN THEFRAMEWORK OF THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD INSTRUMENT (ENI)Co-Evolve4BG ProjectCo-evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural systems for sustainable tourism &Blue Growth in the Mediterranean BACKGROUNDCo-Evolve4BG Project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Program underthe Thematic […]

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